• @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Personally, I’ve had comments I’ve posted on lemmy.ml deleted for “bigotry” for saying Iran supports Hamas which is an objective fact. It wasn’t even a commentary on policy but I’m still a bigot somehow.

      I mean, shit, you even implied I am an enemy of basic human decency for making a mild criticism in a meme sub.

        • @[email protected]
          95 months ago

          Realistically they’re generally anti-anyone that disagrees with them. Not just of anarchists, or actual communists for that matter. They just tend to hate anarchists and real communists more. Because they know and can articulate where the bodies are buried better than most others so to speak.

        • @[email protected]
          75 months ago

          Yeah I’ve started unfollowing .ml communities because I’ve found it’s just not worth contributing. I have an alt on dbzero’s instance that I’ve found much better.

          • @[email protected]
            05 months ago

            I’ve got the entire instance blocked from all my feeds. Same with the other communist-friendly shitholes.

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              ML aren’t communist. Communist dislike them as well. I absolutely understand people not wanting to deal with ML though. They’re often just as bad as hard core capitalists. But don’t blame communists just because others missuse the noun, while not bothering with the actual ideology. Actual communists are pretty chill and generally your friend.

                • @[email protected]
                  35 months ago

                  Not at all. Any honest ML, and there are some will tell you the same. Leninism is not communism. The point of leninism was to try to short cut the evolution phase Marx spoke of, with revolution. That they could replace their feudal oppressors by emulating them. Mistakenly thinking that they could ultimately be any more benevolent than their previous rulers. They could not. Every time they tried, the surrounding culture became brutally, socially, oppressive. Jailing and slaughtering those that dissented.

                  It’s the dishonest ML that pull the no true Scotsman shit. Claiming everyone that isn’t them is not communist and somehow to the right. Of their oppressive authoritarian governments. That struggle to be even nominally left in any significant way. Completely ignoring the existence of anarcho communists and libertarian socialist. I mean for fucks sake the country most of the ML champion and praise these days is China. Which is state capitalist. Hardly communist.

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        I had an account full-on banned from that shithole for saying that the memes people use to respond to comments there are childish and cringy.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          I dunno. I get spicy over there sometimes. Had a number of comments deleted etc. Though not been banned. I would barely notice if I was if it weren’t for an open source project or two having official communities over there for some reason. Hell half the time I only realize I was there after the fact. And while I agree that meme posting/shit posting is childish and unproductive. I’m thinking you might’ve given them reason to ban.

        • @[email protected]
          105 months ago

          Hamas is a problem too and funded through Iran so I think they’d still be an issue even without the settler bs

          This is the comment I was referencing. There’s some other comments that have been deleted on .ml which I find fair cause a couple were needlessly agressive when I was having a bad day. I see 9 mod/admin actions against my account on .ml. Can’t speak to why you can’t find it, they’re on there.

    • Hyperreality
      5 months ago

      I’ve seen older people be cancelled or called fascists over the use of outdated words like ‘transgendered’, without even an explanation. Obviously, that word is now deprecated and considered a pejorative, but it used to be commonly accepted word and was even used within the community.

      I’ve had people call me sexist, because I was critical of Mattel’s motives when making the Barbie movie. Mattel is a company run by a man, with an abysmal record on how they treat their (female) employees, and Barbie negatively damages girls’ body image.

      I’ve also had people reply to comments in which I paraphrased or literally quoted feminist thinkers like Dworkin, of mansplaining or not being able to understand sexism because I lacked ‘lived experience’. It’s not a coincidence that plenty of left-wing feminists, were easy prey for right wing ideology and are now virulent transphobes. Eg. JK Rowling.

      Being balanced or even slightly nuanced on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is also likely to result in you getting piled on in some terminally online left wing spaces, where people have gone to the other extreme and now seemingly implicitly or explictly support Hamas/Iran. Same thing for Russia/Ukraine.

      You also just accused someone of lacking basic human decency, for criticizing what they perceived as the excesses of online leftists.

      • @[email protected]
        195 months ago

        You also just accused someone of lacking basic human decency, for criticizing what they perceived as the excesses of online leftists.

        This was my first thought when reading that comment… smh

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        The point about the Mattel CEO was literally a joke in the movie. The director clearly agreed with you.

      • @[email protected]
        -45 months ago

        You say you’ve had people do these things, but I suspect you’ve had either bots or foreign agents do these things.

        And a few suggestible people who actually do take on those behaviors.

        Gotta remember there are people heavily invested in the US going down. The US hasn’t had a ground invasion, but we’ve definitely had a social media invasion.

    • kimjongunderdog
      05 months ago

      Gun ownership. Leftist groups NEED gun owners, but will turn their nose up at them and call them Nazi’s.

      The most amazing thing gun culture in the US did was get liberals to disarms themselves willingly by falsely associating gun ownership with toxic masculinity and conservative values.

      Read Marx. Acquire guns.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Gun ownership. Leftist groups NEED gun owners, but will turn their nose up at them and call them Nazi’s.

        Not if they are far enough left (as you allude to) or otherwise practically minded, I’ve found. We are few but we are out there. Self defense is an intrinsic right of living beings, period, the end.