Hounding the president of Harvard out of a job because you think she’s a DEI hire is one thing, but going after a Billionaire’s wife? How dare these journalists! What big bullies.

Bonus downplaying of EA’s faults. He of course phrases the Bostrom affair as someone being “accused” of sending a racist email, as if there were any question as to who sent it, or if it was racist. And acts like it’s not just the cherry on top of a lifetime of Bostrom’s work.

  • @[email protected]
    85 months ago

    What’s the relation to Target the department store? Are they problematic or somehow involved in this scandal?

    • @[email protected]OP
      105 months ago

      Sometimes the author includes images that are just a pun. A better illustration for this article might be a man angrly flinging a newspaper into a trash can.