• @[email protected]
    398 months ago

    I don’t disagree.

    I just wished he stopped making it personal. There’s a huge difference between calling a person stupid and shitty versus calling the implementation stupid and shitty.

    He rants, points out the flaws, calls the contributor a moron, and you have to waits a few emails before Linus actually provides a teaching moment. That kinda sucks.

    • @nik9000
      178 months ago

      It really does drive people away. I’m not good enough for the kernel, but there’s a project I could contribute to as part of my job but I don’t because there are mean folks there. My first contribution there was met with cursing.

      • Lvxferre
        8 months ago

        Second iteration of the same hot take: some people need to be driven away.

        I’ll use myself as an example. If I were to “contribute” with the kernel, any patch that I’d submit would have more holes than a sieve, more bugs than a jungle, and cause so much regression that you’d need to reinvent fire. I’d have a negative impact there.

        The same applies to most other people. And most other projects, regardless of scope (i.e. this is not exclusive to the kernel development, or even programming).

        Except that some of us don’t quite get when we’re a burden. “No! I want to contribute, thus I’m contributing! Reality bends to my GOOD INTENSHUNS!!1one”. So they end wasting the time of people like Torvalds, who got better shit to do than telling them for the 500th time “your PR was not accepted because [reasons]”.

    • Lvxferre
      28 months ago

      Making it personal is usually a bit over the top, I agree. Still, the no-bullshit attitude itself is good.

        • Lvxferre
          -28 months ago

          I honestly do not think that it smacks of insecurity. You can claim that it’s rude, socially insensitive, perhaps even that it smacks of basement dwellers. But insecure? That sounds like assumption for me.

          On the other hand, what does stink insecurity for me is the “I need to carefully pick words to avoid breaking someone else’s feelings” attitude.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            People the can’t get their point across/accepted without belittling other people always come across as pretty insecure to me. “Do as I say or I’ll shit all over you in front of everyone”. It’s like every bully trope ever.

            On the other hand, what does stink insecurity for me is the “I need to carefully pick words to avoid breaking someone else’s feelings” attitude.

            Yeah you sound like one of those “I just say it like it is” types that never quite grasp that “how they see it” isn’t the same as “how it is”

            • Lvxferre
              8 months ago

              People the can’t get their point across/accepted without belittling other people always come across as pretty insecure to me. “Do as I say or I’ll shit all over you in front of everyone”. It’s like every bully trope ever.

              We’re talking about real life, not fiction tropes.

              Yeah you sound like one

              Stick to the topic instead of assuming (making shit up) about whoever you’re disagreeing with. The topic is Torvalds, not some muppet with a chimp avatar.

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                Lol, yep, bully tropes are based on real life bullies lol. I’m not assuming anything, I’m telling you how you come across, why are you getting all butt hurt and trying to control what I say?

                • Lvxferre
                  18 months ago

                  yep, bully tropes are based on real life bullies

                  Fiction cannot be used to gauge reality because what matters in fiction is not truth value, it’s entertainment value.

                  That’s doubly true for villain tropes (bullies are typically villains), since villains are usually assigned a lot of “random” behaviour, for no reason but to make their defeat extra cathartic.

                  If you want to actually argue that what Torvalds is doing is bully behaviour, you got to do it another way, because what you’re doing now is as bloody stupid as confusing porn with real life sex.

                  I’m not assuming anything, I’m telling you how you come across

                  Yes, you are being an assumer. And now a liar, too. I wasn’t born yesterday, and I can easily see the implicature being conveyed by your “lol u sound liek”.

                  why are you getting all butt hurt

                  And now you’re being an assumer again. Worse: being an assumer towards things that you cannot reliably know, such as the emotional state of someone on the internet.

                  Stop wasting my time with off-topic shit that you make up. Unless you want both of us playing this game.

                  • @[email protected]
                    18 months ago

                    You’re being utterly bizarre and seem to have confused the word trope to mean TV trope. What Torvalds does is literal bullying, he’s literally been accused of literal bullying in the past and literally stepped away from Linux to work on it.

                    Yes, you are being an assumer.

                    You now sound like a child.

                    Stop wasting my time with off-topic shit that you make up. Unless you want both of us playing this game.

                    Playing what game? Why are you so intent on controlling what I’m allowed to and not allowed to say?