• Ooops
    8 months ago

    This kind of nutjob small brained bigotry is ruining our country and embarrasssing us gloablly. Other countries see these anti-human laws and realize we’re crumbling and don’t really stand behind our American “values” or our consitution.

    You would hope this is the case but in reality the right-wing nutjobs everywhere just copy/paste US culture war idiocy, usually even without making the slithest necessary adaption to make them fit.

    • @[email protected]
      158 months ago

      There was a documentary on LGBT rights in I think Nigeria and they were showing an interview of the religious leader talking about why being gay was an abomination etc etc. along with a guy who was for those rights.

      The religious leader, in a very thick African accent says, “It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.”

      One of the points that the film was making was how conservative think tanks actually try to push their agenda outside of the US. Because you sure as hell know that religious leader didn’t come up with that argument on their own.

      • tygerprints
        -18 months ago

        Nigeria is not my idea of a well educated country anyway - and their very deleterious and harmful view of human sexuality is no doubt skewed by years of intervening stupid “christian” missionary shit being shoveled at them.

        And that religious leader (who obviously is about as bright as a toothpick) is wrong. IT IS ADAM AND EVE, AND ADAM AND STEVE, AND ADAM AND EVE AND STEVE AND GENEVIEVE. According to the bible, the “lord god” made them ALL.

        Conservative think tanks are nothing but excremtental “Its” that stink excuses. We have a particularly vile and nasty one here in Utah called “the Eagle forum.” And everyday their ultra conservative and embarrassingly under-educated members are on TV spouting off about the harms of sex education and of teaching kids anything other than white nationalist history.

        THIS is the cesspool that America and the world has become. These are the nitwits and nutjobs who get heard, not the people who really have intelligence and compassion and understanding and smarts.

    • tygerprints
      38 months ago

      It’s true that the right wing nutjobbery has been copy pasted all over the place, many countries I once respected and considered visting are now dungheaps in my view. America has failed, that much is clear - the American experiment is over. My family is leaving, we’ve decided to go to a south American country where cost of living is easier and we can watch America die from a distance.