I’m always surprised by the quality of comments on Lemmy and the analysis provided, often by experts in their field. It gives a sense that the average Lemmy user is a lot smarter than the average member of the public.

Also, when it comes to politics, I think the average Lemmy user is pretty perceptive of what real power dynamics are at play and what interests society should be looking to promote.

It’s been a pleasure to be on this platform with you all. Where do you all come from? And why is it so hard to find people like you in the real world?

  • @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    There’s a lot of snake oil in the hobbyist audiophile circles.

    So this is probably one of those surface level things that makes people sound smart for agreeing with it, but isn’t the entirety of audiophiles just snake oil?

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Pretty much. There are some things you can do to help avoid things like interference. But as long as you’re not picking up interference, it’s really just about the quality of your speakers and source.