A woman in Florida says her 55-year-old “medically fragile” father was falsely accused of theft at a Florida grocery store last week and then seriously injured in a violent encounter with police. Now, she says, he is hospitalized and has lost the ability to speak.

  • @SheeEttin
    35 months ago

    Yeah, the police response was still disproportionate, though. By the time the cops got there:

    she was sitting in the driver’s side of her car with the door open and her father was standing outside the vehicle as they waited for her laundry to dry

    The entire thing was over. But instead of asking “what’s going on here”, hearing an explanation, and going on with their day, they arrest the woman and hospitalize the man.

    • NoIWontPickaName
      15 months ago

      That doesn’t mean that they didn’t get a call about a woman threatening someone with a bat.

      Just because that lady was sitting in the car now doesn’t absolve her of what she did.

      I don’t know how the lady was acting to the police, so assuming the worst they came in hot on an assault call and didn’t take, shoot, pepper spray, or beat the shit out of her.

      She seems to be upset about her father, but all he had to do was sit in a car.

      He may have gotten an elevated risk of a cardiac incident because of just the stress of sitting in the cop car, like I said we are assuming the worst case here, which means that even if his daughter had nothing to do with it and that just sitting in the car under stress about the banana thing was at cause.

      They still called him an ambulance and waited with him, not even just left him alone in the car.

      If there is anything in the article that I missed that contradicts something I said please let me know

      • @SheeEttin
        15 months ago

        When they showed up, she was sitting in the car, not actively attacking anyone, let alone threatening. Thus, the police response is disproportionate.

        In the military, in situations involving threats, the rule of thumb is to be one step ahead of the other person. They’re carrying a weapon, you’re readying your weapon. They’re readying, you’re aiming. They’re aiming, you’re firing. In this case, she wasn’t carrying a weapon, and they were aiming theirs. They were three steps ahead, two more than they should have been.

        Does it absolve her? No. But like I said, with no active threat to anyone, the proper response would have been to talk to everyone and find out what was going on. Coming in hot with guns out just makes everything worse.

        • NoIWontPickaName
          05 months ago

          I don’t know what happened after they pulled up, neither do you. I am not giving the police any undue acclaim here.

          FFS I was excited that they didn’t taze, shoot, or beat her.

          I led with fuck the police and was just asking about the crazy second part.

          Someone actually pointed something out in the article that was helpful and showed what the police did wrong to the old man, but you want to sit here and argue hypotheticals.

          You could have done like them and tried to show someone where they were wrong but you wanted to get all kerfuffled.

          The cops bounced his head off the hood or some shit like that btw.

          The other person even provided a quote so if you just scroll up some you can see it.

          You are one of those people who make me want to argue against everything you say just to piss you off because of your attitude.

          People like you make someone want to argue against you just because you are making up hypothetical s or saying things with absolutely no proof.

          You should be more like them, they supplied with the information to change my outlook.