• @[email protected]
    198 months ago

    Because Daddy America and NATO would protect them.

    Europe really should have formed its own pan-europa defense organisation during the years that NATO was getting softer.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      No it’s because we survived 2 VERY destructive world wars in our homes and don’t have the stomach for massive military operations anymore.

      Add to that the numerous laws and constitutional bans against building militaries too large (supported by America!). Austria constitutionally forced to remain neutral, Finland forced to remain neutral due to Russia, etc.

      Do you really no tunderstand why Germany was discouraged and was resistant to building it’s military after two fucking world wars it started?


      It’s not as simple as you make out. Europe also isn’t one country and one law.

      Someone in this thread said Americans are reticent to support Ukraine because of pointless wars in the Middle East. Well imagine how fucking reticent you’d be if a massive chunk of your population died fighting wars in your own homes and back yard?

      • HobbitFoot
        -88 months ago

        But the EU is kind of one country with one law. It is a federal system, but you can make a federal military structure. And the current European defense structure has been failing for a generation, constantly requiring American involvement and leadership.

        And the EU initially started as way to tie together industries tied to defense as a way to keep the peace. At this point, might as well tie together the militaries as well.

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          The EU isn’t a federation or country. It has some federal characteristics but it’s nowhere near as unified as the USA.

          It’s closer to a confederation.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        Hindsight sure is sharp

        In hindsigth, are there strong reasons why european nato members should have invested significantly more in military, than they did?

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          You have to factor in the length of human life. There isn’t a lot of living memory from ww2 anymore. And the ones that are still living are too far gone to have any influence. It’s also hard to justify higher taxes in peacetime for weapons that might never be used.

          • JJROKCZ
            18 months ago

            And the ones with living memory of the great wars remember how the buildup of European militaries led to the decimation of the European population. Large armies are costly and so need to do something to justify that cost, this leads to wars, wars inevitably lead to wholesale destruction and death of civilians, why build up again for that to happen.

            Unfortunately while Western Europe didn’t build up, the Muscovy focused on expansion after the fall of the union. Now Russia is looking west at a continent not as armed as it should be and backed by an America that is once again isolationist, it’s a return to the status of the 1930s and I don’t see it ending well