I’m curious as to why someone would need to do that short of having a bunch of users and a small office at home. Or maybe managing the family’s computers is easier that way?

I was considering a domain controller (biased towards linux since most servers/VMs are linux) but right now, for the homelab, it just seems like a shiny new toy to play with rather than something that can make life easier/more secure. There’s also the problem of HA and being locked out of your computer if the DC is down.

Tell me why you’re running it and the setup you’ve got that makes having a DC worth it.


  • SheeEttin
    1 year ago

    Yeah, a subdomain is perfectly fine. I’ve been running it that way myself for quite a while.

    If you do end up running your AD domain as contoso.com, and a public website also at contoso.com, there are ways around it. For example, you could use www.contoso.com for the website (just like the old days!) and either forward that zone to the external DNS servers, or create a local copy (not recommended).