• Drew Belloc
    34 months ago

    It looks cool, but there are some white pixels, here is not a big deal but if you’re gonna use it in a game you may want to remove it

    • TheSwordGuy26OP
      24 months ago

      if you’re talking about the big white parts in the middle of the blade, thats just blank space because the sword is like hollow in the middle of the blade, otherwise I think I know what you’re talking about and I was trying to do something cool but I don’t think it worked, whatever it is, thank you for your feedback and I will continue creating swords because I love it.

      • Drew Belloc
        14 months ago

        Ah i see, and i hope to see more of them as well, i like to see some creative swords, it’s cool and help me to think on some new ideas for weapons