• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    -35 months ago

    Where do Norway, Netherlands, and Belgium get gas from. Are you seriously incapable of understanding that EU is purchasing LNG and then some of that LNG is dolled out to Germany?

    I’ve linked a lot of articles detailing where LNG in Europe is coming from in a comment earlier. Go ahead and read them.

    • Gloomy
      05 months ago

      Honey, I wasn’t contesting that. I just asked you to back it up.

      Amd then it too ME to Google YOUR claim. I’m not saying your wrong. I’m just saying your realy fucking bad at discussing this stuff if you need outers to look up your claims. 0

        • Gloomy
          15 months ago

          How so? I just asked you back up a claim. And it took us about 15 comments before I just looked it up myself.

          Anyhow, today I learned something new, which is that Germany is still using Russian LNG. Follow up question would be how much and why Belgium, France and the Netherlands are still importing, thus financially supporting the Russian war. I not asking you this, mind you. As we have learned it’s more efficient if I just look it up myself 😉

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            -45 months ago

            I made factual claim that’s easy to verify, which is what you eventually have done yourself. I’ve even provided you with lots of sources to get started with that show where Europe gets its gas from. I further helped you connect the dots to understand where German LNG is coming from. Yet, here you are accusing me of not providing enough information for you. As if I’m obliged to work for free to educate you. Seems to me that you’re just an incredibly entitled individual.

            • Gloomy
              35 months ago

              You make the claim, you bring the source. Not that hard to understand, one would think, but what ever. I won’t participate in a shouting match. Have a good one.