At least in arch, the package qbittorrent-nox now contains the ability to connect to i2p. For people starting out, using i2p you wouldn’t need to use a VPN to download your favorite “linux ISOs”; just use i2p and have a fully automated Jellyfin server!

I recommend using i2pd as the i2p router

  • @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    That’s still extremely slow compared to my 6MB/s network connection. Still you are right the more people that join the fast it will be.

    The other issue I’ve found is it doesn’t have all the torrent selection the clearnet has.

    Has this improved or is it still the same?

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      it is improving a load. Also you can ask on the wishlist of postman. Many folks are happy to reseed it for you or make it available on I2P.