I recently made a post asking about getting spotify cheaper via vpn.

My question to everyone: how do you decide what to download?

Do you just grab everything, do you use last fm, do you erase music that you never listen to?

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    I use Spytify, so I “download” my songs real time in the background. If anything it makes me more intentional about what I do grab. Grabbing the entire discography of an artists may take a day, so a little pre-veting is necessary. you find out why some of the big names only have 1 or 2 hits out of a hundred, but you also find some great songs that didn’t make it.

    I’ll usually aquire a few albums at a time. I’ll give each song a quick pass (jumping to random parts) to determine the following

    1. is the song awful and/or nothing like what the artist normally does = Delete.
    2. is there dead space (a really long start/end of silence) or random talking/noises = trim
    3. is it the volume stupidly loud/quiet compared to other songs = fix*
    4. stupid rap section in the middle for no reason (thank god that trend is basically gone) = cut
    5. what playlists does it belong in?

    *I use MP3Gain for bulk volume adjustment, it does pretty good and is non-destructive, though not every player respects the adjustment (a tag in metadata or something)

    I don’t catch everything doing this, mostly because I spend a few seconds on each song, but it does filter out a lot.

    Sometimes it takes a few listens to decide “I dont like this song” - delete.

    I’m not a completionist (or try not to be) for albums/artists. If I don’t like the song, its gone. If there’s one part of a whole that I don’t like, its chopped out.