The families of Sandy Hook school shooting victims voted overwhelmingly in favor of a plan to wrap up Alex Jones’ bankruptcy proceedings by liquidating the right wing talk show host’s assets.

  • @[email protected]
    794 months ago

    He is free to say whatever he wants and the government can’t stop him.

    He is also accountable to his victims if his actions cause them financial harm.

    Freedom of speech remains intact.

    • @derpgon
      274 months ago

      Freedom of speech, freedom of consequence.

      • @[email protected]
        154 months ago

        Yep…need to highlight the differences between saying “we need to be aware that this could be a false flag operation by Democrats to condition American citizens to accept oppressive gun control” and “(specific) people took money from George Soros to fake having a child and fake having them die in a fake school shooting because they hate America and want to make everyone slaves. We used to kill people like that, people who did what (specific person) did” over and over on nationally accessible broadcasts. Roughly paraphrased AJ’s stance there, but you get the point.