Police in Oklahoma say a teen who died a day after an altercation at school did not die as a result of injuries sustained in the fight.

  • FuglyDuck
    867 months ago


    Although the cause of death has not been determined, Owasso police said in a statement preliminary autopsy results indicate the teen did not die as a result of injuries sustained in the fight.

    The problem with this statement is that the coroner probably knows exactly what killed them (bleeding in the brain, for example.) and while the bleeding happened after the fact, was the direct result of that head injury, and there’s more steps to take to be able to say that. (Like ruling out additional injury or something. Maybe they injured themselves fainting the second time.)

    The other problem is of course, ACAB.

    • Cogency
      7 months ago

      They died because they were trans. They died just for existing and because they were different and people are afraid of that difference. I don’t care what the exact biological mechanism was that killed them. I care that they died as a result of a beating (or because of the emotional trauma of that beating). That should never happen in America for anyone be they black, a woman, or an innocent gender nonconforming child like this.

      We are headed to a dark place in American history if we don’t fight for trans people and every minority right now.

      • FuglyDuck
        187 months ago

        They died because they were trans.


        Though the coroner is concerned with excruciating exactitudes.

        Another way to look at it, is, hypothetically some one poisoned someone else. rat poison is horrible. Among other things, it causes kidney failure, brain damage, internal bleeding, damage to other organs; commas. Awful stuff. The coroner is going to note all of that and draw conclusions that kidney failure is the cause of death (or whatever it was. Idunno.)

        The coroner’s report will say the final cause of death was kidney failure; but will also note the kidney failure itself was caused by rat poison. Actually in this scenario, it’s probably something that will get amended because of how god-awful long it’ll take to get toxicology reports back. But details.

        The problem here is that the cops are running with it saying “OH IT WASN’T THE FIGHT!” when, that’s probably not what the actual coroners report really says.

    • andyburke
      -437 months ago

      I have a feeling it may be something like fentanyl or another drug, and/or it may have been self-inflicted after the fact because who wants to get beat up for trying to go to the bathroom?

      Regardless, horrible people will try to use any excuse to say it wasn’t hatred directed at a human being. We all know hatred is how we got here, regardless of the details of this one incident.

      • FuglyDuck
        7 months ago

        I have a feeling it may be something like fentanyl or another drug,


        considering the statements are very consistent with severe TBI’s… including the delayed collapse… and considering that the hospital would have almost certainly instructed their parents to monitor for ~72 hours (or whatever it is,); it’s rather unlikely drugs are the culprit. from my cursory understanding of what happened, the parents seem to be responsible parents. baring prescriptions… it’s difficult to see. and it’s very dubious that prescriptions would be given that pose so great a risk.

        … and/or it may have been self-inflicted after the fact …

        even more victim blaming?

        • andyburke
          -247 months ago

          If you think I am blaming the victim you didn’t read my comment in the way it was intended.

            • andyburke
              -77 months ago

              I am sorry my support (I don’t believe drug use or suicide are moral failings even though they’re often used to vilify) has made it so people who I intended to support tell me I am being unhelpful.

              I’m sorry there was confusion, but it sucks to get lashed out at when you were trying to support. Makes it feel sometimes like there’s no appropriate way to be an ally here.

              • flipht
                47 months ago

                So first off, I’m taking this at face value and want to explain why this might not have read how you intended. Second, I am not trans, so others may have another opinion with more weight, but I want to try to explain so that they may be won’t have to do the emotional work of responding.

                The trick, for me, is how much space and time you give, and in what order, and how much evidence is available to support it. Your comment began with suppositions and theories, we don’t have much (if any) evidence for drugs or self harm, and it’s an equal quantity to the good stuff you were saying toward the end.

                Could suicide or drugs be a possible cause? Sure. But so could an exotic parasite, or the wrath of God, or someone sneaking into their house and poisoning them. But we don’t have any evidence for any of that, and spit balling it as a theory takes away from the concrete facts that we do know: they were assaulted, they sought medical care for the assault, and their condition worsened over the next few days in a way that seems to be related.

                • andyburke
                  -17 months ago

                  Yes, you have restated my message: that hate is what led to this death, regardless of the proximate cause.

                  • flipht
                    17 months ago

                    Cool. So you don’t actually want to know why people found your initial comment gross. Well, then all I can tell you is that if you do not like how people react to what you say, keep the distasteful parts inside thoughts. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Maybe don’t lead with your feelings about the victim being on drugs because your aside at the end isn’t cutting it.