I would like to hear if any of you are using different app for API testing than Postman.

I’m not telling that Postman is bad, but maybe there’s all that I should check out. Recently I tried RapidApi and even tho the app is kinda cool I missed few options and went back to Postman for now.

  • @alchemist_dev
    1 year ago

    xh and tiny shell scripts.

    Example: sign-up-forbidden-username.req

    xh POST usename=admin password=pw

    to run ./sign-up-forbidden-username.req

    This returns 403 and “Username is unavailable”


    xh is a rust implementation of httpie. They’re going for full parity, and works really well for what I need it for so far You can also read input from a file. Which IMO makes GUI API testing seem silly.