complete beginner so dont judge me but few days ago been trying to get more into linux so i installed arch. just today i deleted a separate partition on my disk and i couldnt access arch anymore, it wasnt showing on the bios. so i tried installing arch again using archinstall and it unmounted all the partitions on my disk.

is everything just gone now? i feel dumber and dumber as i write this because i just dont know what to do.

  • anti-idpol action
    1 year ago

    Create a FAT32 partition 256-512 MB in size for UEFI, preferably at the end or start of your partition table by chrooting as described by others and running grub-install /dev/sdX (or /dev/nvmen0pX or sth like that if you have an NVMe drive) on your newly created partition, then update-grub, also as a root. For ease of use you can use something like GParted live, but I’m not sure if it provides a terminal that can properly chroot into your arch installation.

    Then check if your BIOS “sees” the newly created UEFI partition and if it’s set as the default boot option.