The ruling class wants you to be literate enough to understand their written orders. And nothing more. True literacy is punk. True literacy is revolutionary.

If you look at this article and think “this is too long to read” you’re part of the target audience. Make the time.

  • queermunist she/her
    04 months ago


    I did not come to reading consistently because the act in itself was easy. I have multiple learning divergences— dyslexia, autism, ADHD. I still (still!) struggle to focus my mind on the page, and at this point I read for a living. I came to reading because not reading was worse.

    • Mnglw
      54 months ago

      Thanks for the quote, does the author provide any solution to that or acknowledge that some people simply cannot because if not it feels like a “I can do it with my disabilities so you can too!”

      • queermunist she/her
        4 months ago

        reading is still uncomfortable in certain seasons of life, especially seasons that require high screen time from me. I still have a week, two weeks go by without reading. I still pick up a book and blink and realize I’ve spent forty minutes on my phone. I read specifically because I notice how much my brain expands his capacity when I force him into the mode of expansion. Expansion is itchy! It’s uncomfortable!! Reading does not always feel good, just like going to the gym or doing your dishes or eat vegetables does not feel good (especially if you haven’t done it in a long time) and yet!! I sigh in relief when it’s been done. When reading defines my habits, I think noticeably easier.

        Basically they present reading as a chore that you never have to enjoy doing, but have to do anyway because the alternative is worse.

        • Mnglw
          4 months ago

          hrm yea I don’t really like that take. I get the point but also equating their experience to everyone else is just, not it. It just doesnt work like that for many, even those with the exact same challenges

          I’ve tried reading, so often. I want to be able to, even it just doesn’t work for me. And believe me I’ve tried everything

          anyway thanks for quoting the relevant sections of the article for me! That was helpful

          • queermunist she/her
            04 months ago

            Thanks for asking questions and engaging with me, it actually made me read the article instead of skip it for being 40-ish minutes long lol

            • Mnglw
              24 months ago

              hey that’s neat! thank you for your time!