I’ve just started reading The Wager. I’m a sucker for ship based media, and I’m hoping this’ll be no exception.

It’s my third book of the year after previously reading both A Clash of Kings and How to get rid of a president

  • learnbyexample
    24 months ago

    Like alpha, beta, gamma readers. Used by authors to get feedback at various stages of their book before it is published. Alpha stage is very rough, like first draft. Not sure where the line lies between beta and gamma stage, but they are close to finished works - only typos and minor changes would be made based on reader feedback.

    For indie authors, beta readers often help to get a few reviews out close to book publication.

      • learnbyexample
        34 months ago

        I’m a bit active on book-related forums. I post reviews of books I’ve read, give book recommendations, etc. In this case, the author contacted me based on my reviews.