• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    One time I was driving on some long ass backwoods country road in the rain. I was making like a 12 hour drive to get home, so it’s not like my destination was anywhere near close.

    It was one of those roads where there was one lane on either side divided by a dotted yellow line. You were allowed to pass and visibility was clear. There was almost no traffic coming in the other direction, meaning abundant opportunities to pass.

    Some asshat decided to ride my ass for *miles and miles and miles in the rain. I was going a decent speed too…a bit above the marked limit. This fucker both pissed me off and stressed me the fuck out. I tried the letting off the gas technique which usually makes dickholes go around, but nope. He continued to tailgate me for miles and miles no matter if I was going 10 mph above the speed limit or 20 mph below. Visibility on this road was fantastic and no one was coming in the other direction for miles and miles and miles.

    I got so frustrated at this dangerous asshat that I straight up eventually pulled off the side of the road and stopped. He finally passed me and didn’t end up coming after me with a weapon or anything thank fuck. I don’t know if this chode was just too stupid to pass or what.

    • @[email protected]
      117 months ago

      I don’t know if this chode was just too stupid to pass or what.

      That would be my guess. Sounds like the dude didn’t even know that was an option lol.

      For those backroads type one-lane-each-direction situations, I’ll just pull way over and slow down to a crawl. Otherwise, even if the other driver isn’t trying to be an asshole and is maintaining a decent distance, I still don’t want their headlights shining into my mirrors for miles, so I’ll be pretty extra about ushering them infront of me.

      Bonus: that puts them on deer duty :P