• @[email protected]
    67 months ago

    Very old and immobile people garden and do it successfully. You make it sound like this is a difficult task. It is not. I assure you.

    I do not live in any state.

    You can make excuses as to why you do or don’t do things but to claim gardening one’s yard is difficult is laughable.

    If you’re spending hours a day weeding your yard, perhaps whatever turbo fertilizer you’re using should not be used.

    All of what you said is true, but the time required and difficulty of said task is insignificant.

    If your ailment is just laziness then perhaps leaving the house just isn’t for you.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Heres a great resource so you can educate yourself instead of repeating marketing verbatim.

      Great point right here for you

      Because native plants are uniquely suited to their geography, they are able to grow with little need for human inputs. Natives require less water, fertilizer or pesticides. They simply need to get established and then you barely need to do anything. Apparently non-natives are the exact opposite. They constantly need watered and fertilized. They are always plagued by insects and need sprayed all of the time. If you see a sick or diseased plant in your neighborhood, rest assured, it’s definitely a non-native. 🙄

      And another on why just native means shit

      Just because a plant is native, that doesn’t mean it’s problem-free. Poison ivy is native to many areas in the US. But it can cause extremely harmful effects to humans who are exposed to the urushiol in its plant parts. The plant can be so toxic that humans have died after inhaling the smoke produced while burning it. Some overly righteous conservationists will promote its “benefits” to wildlife. But let’s be real. If it was a non-native plant, it would be listed as a Class A noxious weed both federally and at every state level. Fortunately some localities like New York City require the eradication of poison ivy. But too many government agencies give it a free pass because of its status as an untouchable native (pun intended).

      Way to eat into the marketing without putting a little thought or education into it yourself lmfao. Some people are ridiculous.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      What’s with the insults for pointing out some people don’t have all that much free time? I also never brought up the difficulty, so why are you bringing it up like I did? Nice red herring…

      It’s great you have the free time, but most people don’t lmfao. Either that or your yard is a disaster, but you don’t think it is. Proper maintenance is hours a week, not set it and forget it. Thats how yards looks like shit and neighbors hate you.

      Get a gripe on reality dude.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        You’re spreading misinformation. There is enough of that on the internet already. I called you out for that. Then you said I’m a liar. Now you’re saying my yard is a disaster because I don’t spend 1-2 hours of maintenance on it every day.

        You have no idea what you’re talking about and should not speak as if you do. I’m tired of people like you.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          I said it’s more time and effort. You’ve only described how it’s more time effort than 30 minutes of mowing. Oh and the top still needs a mow as well… so it’s the same + more. I really don’t see how your points apply here….

          So you agreed with me first, than went on a bloviated rant.

          Look in the mirror lmfao. Also, there’s more than one user who said the same as me, why haven’t you responded to them if that’s your entire issue and point here…?

          Get a life dude.

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              Where did I say it’s hard and only for people with loads of free time?

              I said it’s more work and effort than the bottom, this is not misinformation, since it’s the truth.