Hey. My brother asked me if I could write him something that iteratively scans his directories for movies and scrapes the web for data on the movie. I know there probably exist dozens of such thing, the aim is to be minimal here. I need public-exposed endpoints that allow for scraping of their data. I just need the endpoints, I don’t need anything else. I am writing the script in Ruby but I may switch to C if it’s too slow. It’s pretty IO-bound anyways so it doesn’t matter what I use.

So if any of you knows a good publicly-exposed, free API to grab data about movies and TV shows, tell me. I will share the program/script later on for everyone to use.


  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    There is example scrapers in Kodi to help you work out endpoints and intergration options https://kodi.wiki/view/Scrapers

    It’s very hard to make sure your getting the right info for the files so you need a lot of fuzzy and logic in the searches around the API

    Possibly overkill to what your wanting but has some potential similar functionality, where you can see some scrapers in Filebot for linux also does this to match metadata to the correct file https://github.com/filebot