• grayatrox
    317 months ago

    I respect people and their beliefs as long as they respect other people and theirs.

    I don’t have time for people who use force to make others believe in their god. I didn’t put up with Christianity being forced down my throat in primary school, and that stance won’t change, however; if people want to politely talk about it, I won’t shut them down.

      • grayatrox
        7 months ago

        Use that intelligence to talk about your point of view. If they don’t want to change their mind, how is that insulting? For some people, the belief in god/s is a comfort in this shitty world that helps them get through the day. I have no problem with that.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          I don’t have a problem with that either but what I do have a problem with is people who believe in fairy tails being able to vote and influence the laws I am forced to live under.

          So In general I just hate religion.

          • grayatrox
            17 months ago

            Terrible things have been and are still been done in the name of religion, so I guess I can’t blame you for hating it. I also totally agree religion has no place in politics.

            I think the best any of us can do is play the long game and educate people without insulting them. Calling their religion a fairy tail - even if that’s what you strongly believe, will just make them defensive, dig their heels in and refuse to hear what you have to say. You might even give them the wrong idea about what Athiesm means.

            There will be eventually be enough people in the right places to be abe to say enough is enough and pass legislation to remove the religious aspect of the laws of the county they are in.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      Respect is a reservoir. It fills slowly, and when the damn breaks, it empties all at once. Once that happens, it doesn’t fill up again until the damn is repaired.

      A man can believe whatever he wants, but when he spouts off some racist bullshit, suddenly all of the redirect for his beliefs fades away too. Everything he said before is tainted, and I’ve no reason to respect any of it.