Background-Story: I did a “flatpak update” on a remote client and every package wants the PW for downloading and for installing again. I had to enter the password like 30 times or more.

    • Arthur Besse
      124 months ago

      Only with --user (I think)? Root can also update the “system installation” flatpaks, which are presumably what OP needed a password for.

      • Arthur Besse
        14 months ago

        That installs and or updates roots flatpaks

        Which is what flatpak will always do unless provided with the --user flag.

        By default it operates in system-wide mode, which is different from “root’s”.

        flatpak list and sudo flatpak list will both show you what is installed system wide, and flatpak list --user will show you your user’s, and sudo flatpak list --user will show you the root user’s flatpaks installed in per-user mode (of which there are typically none).