Firefox spokesperson Christopher Hilton tells The Verge that the browser has seen a more than 50 percent jump in users in Germany and a nearly 30 percent increase in France.

Brave saw a similar increase in users after Apple started letting users choose their default browsers on iOS 17.4 in the EU last week.

  • @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    Despite Apple’s lies, iOS and macOS are still pretty different beasts with their own quirks. And iOS is way more tightly locked down and under Apple’s thumb than macs.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Uh, no they’re not. They have the core operating system.

      The only real difference is the security model (as you say, tightly locked down), but MacOS has been gradually adopting a lot of that over time. For example / used to be an ordinary volume - these days it’s mounted read only and can’t be written to even with sudo. iOS has always been like that.

      They are different operating systems, but only because it’s easier to make a change on one of them, then port that change to the other one later. Possibly years later. In general, they’re pretty close. The main difference is the hardware, not the operating system.