Foreign minister says candid talk has been lacking over secretary general’s post, as newer members feel they are being railroaded

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    • @hollyberries
      107 months ago

      It disgusts me to see this guy fail upwards. He used the tax office to target vulnerable groups, destroying their lives, and was found guilty in doing so. 0

      That alone should have disqualified him from any political position going forward.

      But no, dumbasses voted him in AGAIN, and then he failed yet again. Now we have a conservative majority with a xenophobe at the helm. Ugh.

      Somewhat related: to add on to the above scandal, I had my own run-in with the tax office after obtaining my residence permit almost 10 years ago. It took me 3 years to even gain residency. As soon as the residency was approved I got retroactively fined on not having health insurance while being legally unable to get insurance under the Dutch rules. I’m certain it was a part of that “policy” as well.