• @porgamrer
    24 months ago

    C is the undisputed performance lead

    This sounds like it would be hotly disputed by almost anyone you said it out loud to, even if you said it 40 years ago.

    • @lysdexicOPM
      -24 months ago

      This sounds like it would be hotly disputed by almost anyone you said it out loud to, even if you said it 40 years ago.

      I think you’re expressing uninformed and uneducated opinions.

      Even Debian’s computer language benchmarks game showcases C consistently outperforming Rust, with some notable exceptions in some key benchmarks.

      And Rust was not a thing 40 years ago.

      Anyway, I think I proved my point with regards to the silly idea that performance is a decisive trait. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.