Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) pressured Republicans to name the specific crime they are accusing President Biden of as they proceed with their impeachment inquiry.

Ocasio-Cortez noted the recent arrest of a former FBI informant for lying to the agency, fabricating the claim that Biden accepted a bribe while vice president to take actions to benefit the Ukrainian energy company his son served on the board of.

“At this point, the story isn’t the fact that the basis of this impeachment inquiry is wrong. The story is, ‘Why it is proceeding anyway?’” she asked, saying Republicans have “no charges.”

“I have yet to hear in the chairman’s opening the allegation that they are specifically charging the president of the United States with. I am hearing about the ‘Biden family.’ I am hearing about this and that. I am not hearing the specific allegation by this committee. What is it? It is not here. And that is the problem,” she said.

  • @[email protected]
    286 months ago

    Can you change your link to this link? No need to give these assholes clicks. I even got it ready for you!

    Now my thoughts on it: When I was in journalism class the biggest then they told us is that you don’t inject your own opinions. This article definitely does that.

    Also, when people try to tell me how I should feel about something it becomes very clear to me that they think I’m stupid and they’re trying to manipulate me. Guess what else this article is doing!

    I don’t understand how these people can claim to be “free-thinkers” while everyone else are “sheep” when it’s so clear how manipulative the media they consume is.

    • @[email protected]
      116 months ago

      This part of that article in particular:

      AOC: Tell me the specific crimes committed by Joe Biden!

      Bobulinski: RICO and corruption statutes

      AOC: I said tell me the specific crimes!

      Bobulinski: I just did

      AOC: [SCREAMS]

      Like, all you need to do is watch the video they linked to see how bullshit that take is. Yet the forums I’ve seen with this article linked have conservatives cheering Bobulinski’s “measured response” as if he wasn’t bumbling though his answers because he has nothing.