who would win meme format

[left side: apple]
expensive monetarily but petty in actions

[right side: openai]
open in name but closed in reality

  • MxM111
    -266 months ago

    In what sense Apple is expensive monetary?

    In any case if this is a face off, Apple will win - it has greater, much grater loyal customer base. Sooner or later Apple will have AppleGPT and will include premium subscription into Apple One plan, or whatever it is called. And I am telling this as both an Apple user and ChatGPT paid user.

    • @[email protected]
      226 months ago

      A trillion dollar company demanding 30% cut of revenue of small developers, on top of annual developer fees and exorbitantly priced hardware with zero reparability and severe environmental impact isn’t monetarily expensive enough for you? That isn’t loyalty. It’s stupid fanaticism that harms everyone else. And I don’t want to even start about the petty part.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        Don‘t forget the Core Technology Fee they will raise if you do wish to offer your app outside of the app store and you weren‘t qualified for the Apple Developer Enterprise program.

        And don‘t forget that in order to be eligible for sideloading you have to have at least one million downloads on the App Store.

        And don‘t forget that your app still has to go through the App Review process so you have exactly no additional freedom if you live in the european economical area.

        I sure hope the EU keeps kicking Apples ass. I love iOS but i hate the lack of freedom.

        Btw, does anyone know whether visionOS even supports sideloading in the EEA.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        I laugh everytime I see fanbois biting the bait even if it was a very mild uninspired bait. Makes it easy to tag moronic fanatics and identify them in the future.

    • @words_number
      146 months ago

      Apple is exactly as shit as every other tech company, because they have to be in order to win the capitalism game.

      But yeah, they sure have got a lot of zealots…

      The foundational tenet of “the Cult of Mac” is that buying products from a $3t company makes you a member of an oppressed ethnic minority and therefore every criticism of that corporation is an ethnic slur.

      (by Cory Doctorow, here’s the recent article: https://pluralistic.net/2024/03/22/reality-distortion-field/#three-trillion-here-three-trillion-there-pretty-soon-youre-talking-real-money )

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        To think there was a time when IMO Apple could convince people with great products.

        (Macintosh SE explodes in the background due to overheating)

        Then again i‘ve mostly seen old Apple computers on Youtube.

      • MxM111
        06 months ago

        The fuck is that? I am not Apple funboy, but the judgement here is easy.

              • MxM111
                16 months ago

                I bet you think about yourself as a good person. But you are not.

                • @[email protected]
                  6 months ago

                  No i think of myself as a necessory person not good or evil. Just a guy sayin and doin things that no one else would not because they can’t but because they won’t.

                  • MxM111
                    16 months ago

                    Well, at least in that we agree - you are not good person. And making personal attacks to a person who simply stated his opinion is not “necessary” by any account.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      In what sense is Apple not expensive monetarily, is a better question.

      Their hardware is way more expensive than their competitors and they go out of their way to make them difficult to repair, all while making it difficult for third party repair shops to get the parts and schematics that they need. The genius bar goes out of their way to make you pay for a new laptop rather than do a repair that could be done for >100x cheaper by anyone else.