Playing Helldivers 2. My brother on the desktop on the living room TV. Me on the SteamDeck on the couch next to him. Playing co-op together.

  • AZmaybe9
    56 months ago

    Gyro on the LEFT stick is interesting. I usually have mine always on, but I guess with the track pad and everything you don’t need to reach for the d-pad?

      • @saintshenanigans
        16 months ago

        Always on means you can’t ratchet the gyro to reset your hands position

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          There’s more then one way to gyro, so I guess I shouldn’t have said it’s THE way to go. But it’s my preference. I treat gyro as an aggressive auto aim without the auto. Large motions are still controlled by the right joystick or touchpad, I just gyro for the fine, fast aiming. I’ve never felt the need to ratchet, I can reorient by swiping the touchpad intuitively.

          • @saintshenanigans
            16 months ago

            I don’t use my touch pad a whole lot, so maybe i should test it out some! Ill give your way a shot sometime soon lol

            But in general i prefer my alpakka controller to the steam one anyway, super smooth gyro

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              Oh, I’ve heard of the alpakka! That one is pretty unique, looks really effective though once you get the hang of it. If you didn’t know, there’s also “flick stick”, which is a gyro technique distinct from either. Personally, I’m hoping for a steam controller 2. The deck feels much more natural in my hands than the original steam controller did