They let their new puppy outside without a leash and it just comes over to my property and gets into my things that aren’t confined to my fence and scares my ducks. This puppy is a pit and is going to get huge. I’m afraid it’ll get to my birds or dogs.

How do I tell the super trashy people that own the dog to tie it tf up? I don’t want to make enemies with these people, but they need to get their shit together.

They’re the only people on the street who don’t have their dog fenced in or on a time-out/leash. The road is incredibly busy so the dog is liable to get hit really quick if it decides to run into the street.

  • @[email protected]
    266 months ago

    that aren’t confined to my fence and scares my ducks. This puppy is a pit and is going to get huge.

    Don’t care about the people. Instead, take this chance to teach that dog!

    Teach him to love and obey you.
    Teach him to stay away from certain parts of your property.

    But in the long run, you are going to need a fence somewhere.