I can’t seem to find any trace of comparison between these specific libraries. I’m planning on using Python for them. I just don’t wanna write YAML.

Pulumi seems more prone to the “single vendor is the new proprietary” theory, because they’re an actual business and shit, so might do a bait and switch here Terraform-style. But that’s the only difference I can spot besides obvious API differences.

Does anyone have an opinion?:)

  • nous
    11 months ago

    Cdk8s is better at generating yaml. Pulumi is more of a terraform replacement that has a good kubernetes provider (the tf one sucks). Though it can generate yaml as well it is really not designed for this.

    IMO there is something nice about having all your infra, both inside and outside kube, controlled by one thing. Then you can declare a whole application in one rather then half of it in one tool and half in another.