This week I’m refurbishing a 15+ yr old computer which was stalling on windows 10 and got abandoned. Currently making a huge backup to an Icy box (the self built variant of a wd passport or similar).

On wednesday, a friend comes over and we’re repasting the old i5. I might add some ram and a better but used cpu later which should give this thing another 10 yrs as a server. The mainboard is full of features and would accept a 4 core with 8 threads and 16 GBs of DDR3. Nothing to play recent games on but maaaaany docker containers will run on this baby! :)

Let me know what you’re doing to spit on consumerism and built-for-the-landfill-economy.

Reminder: I made a petition on to make consumer electronics manufacturers open their devices after they stop supporting them. Please sign it, your support is needed.

  • Rusty Shackleford
    43 months ago

    I’ve repurposed, repaired, and resold as many (> 85% ?) of my PCs, SmartPhones, Laptops, and Tablets as possible since 2013 as smartcams, servers, and edge computing nodes.

    • hauiOPM
      13 months ago

      Thats incredible! My stuff is so old that probably nobody will take it but I‘m having fun and if someone needs something I‘ll just give it away.