• @[email protected]
    86 months ago

    boasting monthly player numbers of over 200 million - close to double the entirety of Steam

    No? It’s not the entirety of Steam, it’s also monthly active user on Steam to compare to. Last time Steam mentioned the monthly active user was 120 million in 2020 and 132 million in 2021. Steam reached milestones and records every year and broke them multiple times. So it’s fair to “assume” the monthly active users grew, not at last because of Steam Deck. The Roblox numbers (if they are correct at all), are nowhere the double of Steam monthly active users, let alone the entirety of Steam. The entirety of Steam is much bigger: “The billionth Steam account was made on April 28th, 2019.” I know that not every account is a human, but not every account is a bot either.

    • 📛Maven
      26 months ago

      Surely they mean entirety as in “the entire monthly player numbers of every game on steam”, not “the quantity of accounts that’ve ever been created”