Today I am super proud to announce that I have finally picked up the task of finishing my book titled, “HTML: A Comprehensive Guide”. I am writing the book in public and releasing it under the MIT license.

  • NostraDavid
    11 months ago

    Learning HTML syntax is the simple part. The tedious part is learning which tags already exist, and which tags goes in which other tag (and which attributes they may (not) contain).

    For that, always, ALWAYS go to the official HTML spec: WHATWG HTML.

    HTML has not been maintained by WC3 (though they still do maintain CSS) and has been a “living standard” since HTML5 (2009-ish, IIRC).

    I’ve read through the entire spec (using TTS, because only reading is boring) and learned a TON, because writing React straight out of the gate, without learning the HTML fundamentals first is a HUUUUGE pain.


    • schalkneethlingOP
      11 months ago

      Thank you for the feedback. I am also reading through the spec as a core part of writing the book. It is indeed critical to do so.