• @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    “We” aren’t only building single family homes.

    In Greater Victoria for example, more than 75% of all new units in the last 5 years have been multi-family dwellings.

    It’s likely very similar in other cities.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      Results will vary based on the city. My home town seems to finally be infilling some density near major roadways and shopping centers. Othe cities just keep expanding outwards (my hometown included, for every new multi unit there seems to be a whole block of new SFH).

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      Look at Onterrible under the Ford Dictatorship. We’re fucked over here.

      Ford tried to destroy the Green Belt so his rich developer friends could profit by building exclusively single family dwellings.

      And when he got caught doing shady shit all the developers got their money back from all the crown land they bought under the pretense of them being able to build on em