• cobysev
    233 months ago

    A few months ago they required that you have a watch history to display the homepage.

    I’m actually glad for this change. I hated the random junk they always suggest on my homepage. I spent ages clicking on the menu on each video and selecting “don’t recommend this channel.” It took a few years, but I actually got a clean, empty homepage. Then they changed their website and all the videos came back. I had to start over, cleaning out my feed again.

    Now with this new change, my homepage is always clear. Thanks, YouTube!

    For the record, I only watch my subscriptions. If I learn about a new channel, it’s through another site/person recommending it. I don’t let YouTube recommend me stuff to watch. And I definitely don’t watch YouTube Shorts or whatever they call their vertical video nonsense.

    • @[email protected]
      103 months ago

      Same. I love it. I go to YouTube home page, see nothing, and then go on doing what I was going to do anyway. It is a nice update.