Not necessarily the best meals (or places), but the meals (or places) that best represent your culture.

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    Texas food is pretty grim, but we we have some good stuff.

    • Beef is very cheap here, so if you like steaks, I’d recommend a nice steakhouse. Especially if you’re European, y’alls steaks are the stuff of nightmares.

    • We also have good tex mex, which probably explains a lot of our obesity issues.

    • Watermelons here are both much better and much larger than anywhere else I’ve ever been.

    • Chicken fried steak does kick the shit out of schnitzel, even if mushroom sauce is amazing.

    Otherwise we mostly import any cuisine worth a damn.

    • @swordsmanluke
      42 months ago

      Bro - no mention of Texas BBQ? Beef brisket with Texas-style BBQ beans (savory, not sweet for those who haven’t had them) is amazing.