• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Remember when republicans wouldn’t shut the fuck up about liberals being snowflakes 🙄

    The left might eat itself, but it’s better than leaving rotting limbs attached that no longer serve a purpose to the rest of the body lmfao.

    Edit: removed unnecessary and “argument muddying” name calling/frustrated venting

    • Lemminary
      146 months ago

      I honestly think that the Left in-fighting is a good thing to a good extent. I just wish we’d focus that energy on squashing the people who don’t help the cause and promote those with initiative.

      • @[email protected]
        226 months ago

        It is, if we’re not constantly reassessing our priorities and discussing differing views, how are we to adapt to changing times.

        Republicans would rather live in fear and in the past than have the balls to face the future and it’s people for what they are.

        One to rule them all instead of learning to coexist.

        It’s as simple as that.

        • @[email protected]
          96 months ago

          I saw a comment a while ago that I love and it’s that the left has a diversity problem when it comes to focusing their energy. It’s so hard to get everyone to commit to one thing because there’s such a wide diversity of cultures, ideas, and solutions. And it’s great to be that way! But it can muddy the messaging a bit.

          Whereas there’s far less diversity of ideas in the right side of politics. It’s mostly outrage at the new. “The liberals are going to take everything from you and here’s why you should be scared.” Everything boils down to that.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            I don’t really see a need to create this field goal of one problem to focus on. I think some people probably would perform best focusing on some things while others focus on those. I don’t see why we can’t do both tbh.

            I think focusing on problems local to your area and that have the most impact locally (maybe that’s a tristate area) with express intents to help others after this problem has been moved along will reap the most benefits. If everyone’s workin on their local area, we’d reach across the nation with change.

            As above so below and all that

      • @[email protected]
        146 months ago

        A reasonable amount of infighting is needed to weed out bad ideas. Unfortunately, some take the mentality “some good, more better!”.

        I like the circle analogy. The right tend to circle the wagons. The left forms a circular firing squad.

        It also doesn’t help that the left is FAR less monolithic than the right. It’s 100 lemmings in a shared trenchcoat. Without the 2 party systems, it would shatter into a dozen smaller parties, and work as a collective a lot more.

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      republicans wouldn’t shut the fuck up about liberals being snowflakes 🙄

      It’s all projection with these people.