• @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    Well yeah, that’s how people are. Why would you even expect there to be a solid and shared understanding between all the people about something as vague as what makes a game “political”?

    • @[email protected]
      03 months ago

      I don’t. I literally just said the opposite. I said people have no idea what the word means, and then you asked why I expect people to have a shared understanding of the word. Those are opposites. If people don’t know what a word means, then they can’t have a shared understanding. This should be obvious to you, pay attention.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        It just felt like early on you were expecting one and now are disappointed how people use the terms.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          No, I fully understand that the word politics is a racist dogwhistle that few people use meaningfully, and I understood it at the beginning. You presented a bunch of different theories as to the word’s meaning, I pointed out the problem with each of them, and we arrived back at the beginning, the headline of this article we’re all replying to.

          I use the logical definition of politics, which implies everything is political, as a starting point for these conversations which always end in the conclusion that people don’t know what they’re saying. I’ve had this conversation dozens of times.

          I’ll tell you why people don’t know what politics means. It’s because the rich don’t want them to know. Those who own the government and who are threatened by democracy do not want people realising that participating in politics is a good thing. So they use the media apparatus to teach people that politics is no fun, leads to hurt feelings, and never fixes anything. And people swallow that trick hook, line, and sinker.

          The ideal case for the rich is that most people hate politics, a select brainwashed few vote conservative while starting horrible culture wars, and nobody actually participates in democracy. And that’s what everyone who hates politics is supporting. The end goal is simple. It’s voter suppression. And along the way, there will of course be genocide as the cost of doing business.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            Does it really seem like such a far-fetched idea in our so heavily politicized world that someone would rather just play a bing-bing-wahoo game without having to really think about politics for a moment? I feel like that’s an obvious case where it has nothing to do with racism but just wanting a break from politics.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              The reason they want a break from politics is racism. You’re trying to tell me “they’re not racist, they’re just doing the thing racist propaganda wants them to do and feeling the way racist propaganda wants them to feel”. That’s not two different things.

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                All politics doesn’t even relate to race. Sometimes people just get tired of politics.

                • @[email protected]
                  13 months ago

                  That’s only ever happened to people with antisocial personality disorder, because being sick of politics is a disordered and unusual mental state. It doesn’t happen to neurotypicals. Neurotypicals always like politics. The ones that think they don’t like politics, for any length of time, are wrong. Remember, all participation in society is political. And human beings are naturally hardwired to participate in society. When that hardwiring is damaged, we call it ASPD. Neurotypicals who think they’re sick of politics are actually just sick of conflict, and have accepted a racist lie that politics means conflict.