• @[email protected]
        232 months ago

        lmao, this is unironically the reason one of my exs stared using Linux. Because I kept hyping it up so he figured it was a good bonding activity to learn it. To my knowledge he still uses it.

          • @[email protected]
            222 months ago

            Then allow me to introduce myself.
            Not that I’m a Linux pro, but I at least know how to copy and paste terminal commands until I fix whatever problem I caused by copying and pasting terminal commands.

            • @[email protected]
              62 months ago

              but I at least know how to copy and paste terminal commands until I fix whatever problem I caused by copying and pasting terminal commands.

              this is such a mood lmao

            • @[email protected]OP
              2 months ago

              Will you marry me 😊?

              /s I’m already married, just said it for the joke 😂… not happily though, so there’s always a chance 🤣🤣🤣.

              • @[email protected]
                22 months ago

                I’ve learned the dumb way going for married people is always a bad idea regardless of the status of the marriage, so I must politely decline.
                I’m an Ubuntu user anyway, so I’m unfortunately unfit for marriage in the first place.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  42 months ago

                  I’m an Ubuntu user anyway, so I’m unfortunately unfit for marriage in the first place.

                  Lol 🤣, this is why you are, you’re funny 😂.

                  Seriously though, I completely agree with you. I was just kidding anyway, that is completely my problem to have and/or solve, don’t need to drag others with me.

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      I mean, if OP is going to the type of websites that have that significant of a risk of hacking him, he’s pretty deep into the depravity.

    • folkrav
      62 months ago

      That’s… quite the dedication. I personally just never downloaded things or ran random executables from porn sites, but hey… who am I to judge, I guess

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        There’s always a risk of JavaScript breaking out of the sandbox and crap like that. Browser vendors do their best to protect against things like that but security is often a trade-off for speed and people like fast software, not to mention browsers are huge and complex and they’re going to have vulnerabilities. A browser’s whole job is to execute remote untrusted code, do you trust it that much to be flawless?

        … I mean, I don’t but I use it anyway so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

        • @PoolloverNathan
          22 months ago

          Linux security noob here but can’t you just run the browser in a chroot with everything isolated?

            • @PoolloverNathan
              2 months ago

              Made a Nix library for this. For a simple setup you can just build this (untested) and run the result:

              import ./encase.nix {
                name = "firefox";
                rw.home.nathan = /home/nathan/home-for/firefox;
                # other dependencies it might need...
                tmp = /tmp; # fresh tmpfs for this sandbox
                network = true;
                command = pkgs.firefox;

              It doesn’t have user isolation yet, so if it escapes the browser and the chroot (which doesn’t have a /proc unless you set proc = /proc;, and runs in a PID namespace either way) your files are still at risk. However, this is still pretty secure, and you can run the script itself as a different user (it creates a new UID namespace so chrooting can be done without root).

        • folkrav
          12 months ago

          I mean, yeah, sure. But at this point, if that’s really a worry, one should not trust any sandbox. OSes are huge and complex and will have vulnerabilities too. Hell, there could be a xz level backdoor currently in the wild and nobody knows any better lol

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            Right, that’s where OP comes in - most malware will be made for Windows, so if you visit such a malicious website, it’ll likely be inert under Linux!

            … I’m not saying this is a great reason to use Linux, but there’s at least a little bit of merit to it.