• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        32 months ago

        That’s pure nonsense given that this is not happening in Russia. Maybe stop guzzling propaganda and start engaging with reality.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            22 months ago

            Comparing convicts to nabbing people off the street exposes your intellectual dishonesty. However, the fact is that Russia isn’t even doing that anymore. They literally have people volunteering. You should follow your own advice and stop projecting. Everything I’ve been saying about this conflict for the past two years is becoming increasingly obviously true. Meanwhile, people who have been peddling western propaganda are looking like clowns at this point. The fact that you lack any capacity for self reflection is just amazing.

            Maybe ask yourself how is it that Russia isn’t collapsing like you were promised, that Russian economy is outperforming the west, that Russian army is becoming stronger than NATO. This all being openly discussed by the same western media that said all those things would happen. Yet, here you are bleating about Russian propaganda.

            • @[email protected]
              -32 months ago

              None of that really matters when Russia is the one that is invading a foreign country and killing its citizens. Funny how all of you keep ignoring that or you just recite the Russian government propaganda.

              • मुक्त
                12 months ago

                Russia doesn’t share your assumption that it is a foreign country. That assumption is rather limited to English propaganda, and Russia hasn’t invested much resources in countering institutional propaganda in the English world - they don’t need to fight a pointless war at that front.

                • @[email protected]
                  02 months ago

                  I don’t care what Russia thinks. Pretty much the entire world agrees that Ukraine is a foreign country and if it weren’t I wonder why it let Ukraine have its own government and so on.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                12 months ago

                It matters a whole lot actually because this a proxy war between NATO and Russia. NATO is just as responsible for what’s happening, and in fact we now know that it was the west that intervened to stop negotiations in Istanbul that could’ve stopped the war back in 2022. Bleating about Russian propaganda isn’t going to change the facts of the situation.

                What I recite is what mainstream western media openly says now, and if you claim that’s Russian propaganda then you’re exposing yourself as a troll.

                  • मुक्त
                    12 months ago

                    30% population of pre-SMO Ukraine was Russian. And a dicriminated minority. Who invaded whom is a matter of how well versed you are with one side of propaganda and how ignorant of the other.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                    02 months ago

                    This is an infantile understanding of the situation. NATO expansion was the cause of the invasion as even Stoltenberg has now admitted publicly.