The Joint Declaration was agreed upon at an informal meeting of the European Chiefs of Police in London hosted by the National Crime Agency on 18 April.

Police Chiefs of all EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries were invited, alongside Europol’s Executive Director.

Here is the declaration (pdf).

  • kaputter Aimbot
    355 months ago

    If you make encryption illegal, only criminals will use encryption!

    As far as I know killing people is illegal, hasn’t stopped some to do it nevertheless. And it won’t help protect the infamous “the children” either.

    • lurch (he/him)
      135 months ago

      that’s a bad metaphor, because killing beeing illegal actually stops a lot of killing, but also killing is usually actually considered a bad thing while encryption is not.

      making encryption illegal is like saying “we don’t want anybody to enjoy this good thing, because it’s also good for criminals” while with killing, not enjoying it is what non-criminals would have done anyway.