The Chinese government froze meaningful efforts to trace the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, despite publicly declaring it supported an open scientific inquiry, an Associated Press investigation has found.

The AP drew on thousands of pages of undisclosed emails and documents, leaked recordings, and dozens of interviews that showed the freeze began far earlier than previously known — in the first weeks of the outbreak — and involved political and scientific infighting in China as much as international finger-pointing.

Crucial initial efforts were hindered by bureaucrats in Wuhan trying to avoid blame who misled the central government; the central government, which silenced Chinese scientists and subjected visiting U.N. officials to stage-managed tours; and the World Health Organization itself, which may have compromised early opportunities to gather critical information, according to internal materials obtained by AP.

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    Lol these are grants. Guess what, we’ve been funding research into corona viruses ever since the first SARS outbreak…which came from a wet market in Wuhan.

    What you need to link is physical evidence showing that COVID-19 was in the lab prior to the outbreak, or that the COVID-19 sequence is comprised of two or more sequences from viruses stockpiled in the lab (it is a surveillance lab).

    You do not have that evidence. You do not understand how viral labs work. You do not even understand how science funding works. You are the kind of person that believes a highly controlled lab environment with trained personnel is more likely to spread disease than a dense market place where known viral reservoirs are slaughtered in open air by any moron with a blade.

    • Buelldozer
      15 months ago

      Lol these are grants.

      Yes, they are. Which is precisely what I claimed in my first comment. The US Government was funding research into Coronavirus at that Lab and that both US and Chinese Officials were aware of it.

      You are the kind of person that believes a highly controlled lab environment with trained personnel

      We’re obviously not talking about the same lab.

      I’d love to link you to Director Chen’s full safety assessment of the lab in Wuhan but it was completely redacted by HHS. So were back to both the original article and my original comment.

      You can insult me all you like but it’s terribly convenient that all of the evidence someone would need to nail this down is unavailable.

      For funsies why don’t you try and track down the original samples taken by Wuhan University back in the earliest days. I’ll bet you can’t more than about 14 of the 240ish that existed.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Where is the safety report for the Wuhan wetmarket? You know the one that unequivocally started one viral pandemic? Then, while closed down, we enjoyed a period with no new coronavirus pandemics? And then, shortly after reopening, there was another coronavirus pandemic originating in Wuhan? That wetmarket, you have a report on that one?