It was at the Securedrop website. How did I end up there ? I read something about Sequoia and encryption and then wanted to see what Securedrop entailed.

Meanwhile I’ve raised the security settings. Still, today someone in this community (?) mentioned that Tor browser does not protect the remote to check for the OS, and now this. Color me surprised.

  • lemmyreaderOP
    15 months ago

    One thing you can do with your arch build is use the fingerprinting tool to see how unique you are, then get a new identity, then go back and do it again. Does it now say you’re one of 2 people who have used the tool, or does it show you’re (again) unique? If the latter, then it’s working (at least enough) properly.

    Interesting. I would have expected the useragent string to be part of the user configuration files that are automatically created in the browser profile directory. I’ve not used Tor browser package from Arch yet but curious to do some testing.

    • torbrowser-launcher (found in the extra repo) simply downloads Tor Browser from, unless you use some AUR version of Tor Browser that recompiles it, you are getting the exact same TB as you would by manually downloading it.

      • lemmyreaderOP
        25 months ago

        Thanks. AUR seems to only have a Tor browser bin which does not recompile.