• darcy
    21 year ago

    why not just compile with overflow checking? assuming the number should not reach the limits

    • bioemerl
      11 year ago

      The compiler doesn’t know what numbers are going to go into a variable, that’s a runtime thing. They might prevent a crash that way, but a crash or not doesn’t matter when people need the number in the database and the database doesn’t let you put the number in the database.

      • darcy
        1 year ago

        i mean, at least with rust, running in debug mode (or release with flags) will hard panic if an overflow occurs, bc it checks everytime a number is changed. it is obviously less performant to do this, so it does not check when running in release/production mode. the problem is if you need to have no overflows occur, it is better to throw an error and exit the program, than cause unexpected behaviour, eg. as an incorrect, but existing array item. this could be hard to find the cause of the bug if it doesnt throw

        • bioemerl
          21 year ago

          I’m a C# dev so I forget that anything that’s not this case even exists. Agreed 100 percent.