esp if you’re one of the devout ones who think they’ve been really good

  • @Shareni
    12 months ago

    And as we can map consciousness happening in the body down to individual neurons firing, where would a non-corporeal consciousness interact with a body?

    Did I mention dualism or substance monism? Materialism doesn’t necessarily include physicalism.

    You calling these reliably reproducible facts unscientific belies a fundamental misunderstanding of science.

    Read up on why physicalism is not verifiable. Your imagination saying consciousness ends with death is equally verifiable as my imagination saying you’re taken away by the flying spaghetti monster.

    Though naturalism might not be the only way to investigate the universe, we have yet to encounter any reliable other paradigms.

    Ever heard of ontological pluralism? Naturalism is not physicalism…

    • @[email protected]
      02 months ago

      Your last response wasn’t constructive, and this one does even less to further a discussion. I’ll just end this here.

      Have a nice rest of your existence.

      • @Shareni
        2 months ago

        Riiiight buddy, it has absolutely nothing to do with you being shown how limited your knowledge is about the philosophies of science and mind.

        Was the fox and the grapes your favourite fable growing up?