• autokludge
    7 months ago

    I did a lot of tinkering around recently to get an advanced query working for me which ended up being quite tricky to work through. I have Project pages (eg [[12335]] ) and on journal pages I have job note blocks for specific jobs ie #12335 Notes with a :job property so the block title can change if needed. There are multiple levels of notes / subnotes / tasks here and I was attempting to do the below query before I learned or-join, but the query was fragile & failing if tasks weren’t at a specific indent level. I ended up spending a Sunday afternoon deep diving into this stuff to figure this out.

    • As I understand it, the datomic data model is just a HUUGE list of ‘datoms’ which are super basic [element-id|attribute|value] rows for everything.
    • There is some concept of ‘unifying’ which is a variable that appears twice in a :where represents the same value across all clauses.
    • Something like (or-join) allows you to control this unification to selected sub items.
      • My visualization on the query is a graph of conditions
      • The :find (?task) element is absolutely required
      • There are ‘facts’ you want to satisfy [(get ?prop :job) ?job] [(contains? #{"TODO" "WAITING" "DOING"} ?marker)].
      • ?task → ?prop (through or-join) → ?prop must contain :job with value :current-page
      • . ↳ ?marker -> must be one of TODO / WAITING / DOING
      :title [:h3 "📅 Outstanding Tasks"]
      :inputs [:current-page]
      :query [
        :find (pull ?task [*])
        :in $ ?job
          (or-join [?task ?prop]        ; only care that ?task and ?prop are 'unified' with rest of clauses
            [?task :block/page ?page]
            [?page :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does page have :job property?
            [?task :block/parent ?tp]
            [?tp :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does task parent have :job property?
            [?task :block/parent ?tp]
            [?tp :block/parent ?tpp]
            [?tpp :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does task grand-parent contain :job prop?
            [?task :block/parent ?tp]
            [?tp :block/parent ?tpp]
            [?tpp :block/parent ?tppp]
            [?tppp :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does task great-grand-parent contain :job prop?
          [(get ?prop :job) ?job]                           ; does one-of ?props from above contain :job <%current page%>?
          [?task :block/marker ?marker]                                   
          [(contains? #{"TODO" "WAITING" "DOING"} ?marker)]  ; ?task:block/marker must match one of these
      :table-view? false
      :result-transform (fn [result]
          (sort-by (fn [m]
                    (get m :block/marker)) > result
      :breadcrumb-show? false
      :collapsed? false