Additionally, what changes are necessary for you to be able to use Linux full time?

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    Apt does not have most packages you need anymore. You have to add custom repositories for everything. Which means you have to go to a website and still run a whole bunch of commands. Worst of both worlds. Other distros are not as bad, but between snap, flathub, etc. Linux package management is not in a good state at the moment.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Agreed. Try using apt install program name, not found. Search Google “how to download program name on Linux”. Get told you first have to add these 3 different repos or whatever in the terminal, then type in this command to download it. Why do I need to Google HOW to download a program? Nothing is ever simple with Linux. It’s absolute bollocks in that regard.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        The sad part is that it used to be simple. You could do apt install whatever and it would usually get it.

        They also used to have a graphical frontend for apt, which felt like an app store before app stores (and even the iPhone itself) existed.

        I suspect it’ll get simple again. If canonical doesn’t do it, some other distro will overtake it.