• @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    (EDIT: misread and therefore misinterpreted the parent comment. Thought, it was a generalisation on all women. Striked out relevant sections here.)

    but why are some women so against men being happy?

    “They” aren’t.

    Like they want do to everything in their power to take away “guy stuff”

    “They” don’t.

    But the fact they don’t like it means that no one else should and men are wrong because they do something women don’t.

    That’s a bizarre perception you have there.

    I strongly believe that men’s mental health is positively impacted by male groups.

    Having a supportive peer group, regardless of gender, can be helpful, yes.

    No, not allowed they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Where tf do you get that from?

    I think it’s a really issue in society and you never ever hear women criticise women’s role in negatively impacting men. But somehow I bet this is all the patriarchy’s fault

    Are you mixing two different things now? Feminism and men’s mental health?

    Regarding the latter, patriarchy is not necessarily a cause for this. It’s rather male role models and toxic masculinity. Countless of men worldwide are raised in a way which is unhealthy for their mental state. “Don’t cry! That’s what girls do! Don’t be such a baby!” Those men don’t learn how to deal with their issues and emotions. They develop several kinds of problems as a result of that. Either a drug addiction problem like drinking, and/or spiraling down depression until they kill themselves, get anger issues or whatever. The suicide rate in men is higher as in women due to stuff like that. They have never learned that it’s okay to ask for help. They are rather being shamed for feeling low.

    That’s what this post makes a pun about: a lot of such men rather find some coping mechanisms instead of dealing with their issues. They seek distractions. That’s not necessarily a bad thing per se, but, in the larger scale of seeing how many men avoid dealing with their shit, it can certainly become one.
    It’s certainly not about women wanting to take “guy stuff” away, wtf. Oo

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Where I come from men’s clubs are illegal. So yes, like it or not it’s already been proven to have happened.

      I like how you think know what all women have ever done though. My housemates was telling that what me and the members of our rugby club get up to at our own private bar, singing, drinking and fucking about with each other isn’t okay. That although we are all their voluntarily and they we all very much enjoy it, and its good for our mental health, it shouldn’t be allowed. In fact she said if it was up to her a lot of sport would be banned.

      Here’s a genuine question. Why do you, my housemates, other women think they know absolutely what is best for mental mental health when it goes against what men even say?

      I’ve got a lot more support from men than I have from women. And I’ve seen guys get a lot more hurtful abuse from women than I have from men. But that goes against the narrative that all issues in the world are caused by the patriarchy and that women can do no wrong.

      If the suicide rate is so high for men maybe we should start by asking men what they need? How would having women telling them everything that they have done wrong a good thing?

      What women cannot understand is men are different to women. We act in a different way to you and that’s perfectly okay. What is not okay is women telling men how they need to act.

      Also if you want to do a bit of reading go find all the questions on the internet to the effect of “why don’t you open up to your girlfriend” and you can hear all the horrific ways women use men’s vulnerability against them. You can see the general consensus being that more often than not opening up to women makes things worse because of how women react to a vulnerable man and that if you need to talk about problems do it with men.

      But again that goes against the feminist argument that men’s issues are only to do with toxic masculinity and the patriarchy. But lol what do men know about their issues own issues? Nothing.

      • @Zink
        24 months ago

        In fact she said if it was up to her a lot of sport would be banned.

        This is not a well adjusted person. Banning things other people like but that you don’t like… she could fit right in with the Trump crowd.

        I just wanted to point that out. This isn’t me arguing with you by cherry picking one sentence out of your big post.