The correct date from the movie is actually 2016.
And the awful Ghostbusters reboot came out that year. COINCIDENCE??
The Eugenics Wars also got date shifted. I blame the Kelvin timeline.
We still on for the Bell Riots though?
Thus far on track for September.
201 days left according to the countdown, so we have that to look forward to.
I’ll try to avoid any major spoilers, but a callback to Enterprise in Strange New Worlds explains why the old dates are wrong/inconsistent.
I’m aware of that whole thing. Still blaming JJ. Just feels right.
Can we get on with it already? I’m tired of trying to function in this society.
Yeah, it would be great to know if I don’t have work tomorrow so I know how much I can drink
Fuck 'em. Drink on the job. Don’t ruin your days off.
I like the cut of your jib, fediverse stranger!
Dont drink on the job, do hard drugs instead.
So is this society
The real bummer is that she lied
It’s only 8 pm here.
I’m waiting
I’m in Europe. If you don’t hear from me in 125 minutes, the world will end.
What was this from?
Ghostbusters 2.